App constants

An "app" object JavaScript variable is available in all app events, app views events, app dialogs events and all the controls events. The "app" variable provide several app properties and app methods, as well the below referred app constants, ready to be used.


App constants

App Size constant

Runtime. Object constant. This constant stores all the possible values to be used in some controls properties, like the Size property of the Push button control.

App Align constant

Runtime. Object constant. This constant stores all the possible values to be used in some properties, like the app Sidebar.HeaderAlign property.

App ThemeColor constant

Runtime. Object constant. This constant stores all the possible values to be used for the app theme color.

App Kind constant

Runtime. Object constant. This constant stores all the possible values to be used in some controls properties, like the Kind property of the Push button control.

App ImageFit constant

Runtime. Object constant. This constant stores all the possible values to be used in some controls properties, like the ImageFit property of the Image control.

Runtime. Object constant. This constant stores all the possible values to be used in some controls properties, like the Direction property of the Dropdown control.

Runtime. Object constant. This constant stores all the possible values to be used in some controls properties, like the Item.class property of the Dropdown control.

Runtime. Object constant. This constant stores all the possible values to be used in the AutoClose property of the Dropdown control.

Runtime. Object constant. This constant stores all the possible values to be used in some controls properties, like the Position property of the Navbar control.

Runtime. Object constant. This constant stores all the possible values to be used in some controls properties, like the NavbarStyle property of the Navbar control.

App HttpMethod constant

Runtime. Object constant. This constant stores all the possible values to be used in the Method property of the Http Client control.

Remember that in addition to the above app constants, the "app" JavaScript object variable provide to you several app properties and app methods.